The difference is in the grade: a guide to buy the right matcha
Choosing the right Matcha can be overwhelming with all the options available out there, this is why we put together this buying guide that takes into account several factors, including colour and price.

First thing first! There are a few factors to look at when it comes to matcha grades:
COLOUR: matcha powder of the highest grade has has a bright and vibrant green colour, a lower quality matcha tea will usually have a more yellowish or brownish faded colour. The bright green colour is an effect of the shading process before the harvest. So, if the colour of matcha tea is not bright green, then it is clear that it is not grown in the shade, or it has not been covered long enough, which in turn means a lower nutritional content. Another aspect of the colour belongs to the period of the harvest and the position of the tea leaf on the plant. Highest grades of matcha are harvested in Spring and coming from the very top, youngest tea leaves selected.
SOLUBLE: If your matcha tea is able to dissolve in the liquid, then the tea leaf stalks and veins are separated and you absorb the best quality tea. Matcha tea should dissolve not only in hot water, but also in cold water, and dissolve in 15-20 seconds without lumps. If these conditions are met, then you can be sure that your body absorbs only the best part of the leaves of the tea plant. Lower quality matcha tea tends to be more clumpy.

FLAVOUR: Loose tea leaves may have a bitter taste. This flavour is common in most matcha products. The best quality matcha tea will be rich, umami, soft, sweet and without bitter taste. You shouldn't feel the need for additives or sweeteners. The highest grade is harvested from freshly grown Tencha tea leaves, which are naturally sweet and have a delicate fruity taste.
What if I can't taste it or look at the colour before making the purchase?
Then check the grade and the price. Here's how:
If you are not able to taste or look at the colour personally before making a purchase it would be best to choose a matcha that is classed as 'Ceremonial grade' or 'Premium first harvest', making sure that the matcha powder does not contain preservatives or colorants. Lower grades are usually called Traditional, Daily, Culinary or Cooking. They are much cheaper but also less soluble, of a lifeless green. A great way to use these grades is to use it in bakery recipes, even if the "Premium" grade will always have a better taste.
Also the price is a good indicator of the quality! 30g of ceremonial grade matcha powder can take over one hour in the grinding process only; moreover the best, youngest and greenest leaves are used for a ceremonial matcha and oftentimes the leaves selection is a manual process for the highest grades. This is why its price will be considerably higher and can as high as £0.90/£1.30 per gram.
If you are still unsure, you can take our Matcha Quiz to find out which matcha is best for you!